Chevrolet Oil Leaks
Chevrolet oil leaks are common but a blazer leaking oil with just 19,000 miles on it? Mechanic tells how Chevrolet messed up his engine during assembly.
Chevrolet oil leaks are common but a blazer leaking oil with just 19,000 miles on it? Mechanic tells how Chevrolet messed up his engine during assembly.
Auto repair information blog describes how to perform a visual inspection for automotive diagnosis. Solve most car problems with this simple procedure.
One of the hardest do it yourself auto repair tasks is solving automotive electrical problems on your own. To be successful you will need a wiring diagram in most cases.… Continue reading "How To Fix Automotive Electrical Problems"
A very popular performance upgrade is the replacement of a vehicles stock air intake system with a high-performance cold air induction system. The ease of installation and a large bang… Continue reading "Cold air induction high performance air intakes"
Car maintenance when you are buying car maintenance you want to make sure that you receive what you paid for. A good example of this is that if you frequent… Continue reading "Car maintenance"
Auto repair scam artists I can’t help but break into a story about one of the sharpest most evil service advisor’s I ever met. This man would go through your… Continue reading "Auto repair scam artists"
(Quick story) I remember one time my sister had her car repaired when she was out of town. She was driving and her check engine light came on. She called… Continue reading "Check engine light is on"
The simple oil change service. There are many kinds of shops that perform this service. Dealerships, chain stores, quick lube centers, independent shops and mobile auto repair service. They all… Continue reading "Beware of cheap oil change services"
Most areas have state inspections or smog check points that verify the proper operation of this check engine light bulb check. If you have disconnected the check engine light, you… Continue reading "Disabling the check engine light"
Learn how to easily fix your own car or truck with step-by-step instructions using online auto repair manuals. Save money and make automotive repairs fast and fun. Check out online… Continue reading "Tips for Online Auto Repair"