Hurt In a Car Accident

Car Accident Woes: What to Do If You Are Hurt In an Accident

Getting into a car accident can be very scary. If you are involved in one, the best thing you can do is to stay calm. 

Once you are at least a bit calm, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that you, other passengers, and your vehicle are taken care of. 

Here is a look at exactly what to do if you are hurt in an accident.

Get Medical Help

Always call the police. Tell them your location, and let them know about any nearby landmarks that will help them find you sooner.

Inform them if anyone in the vehicle was injured. You should also tell them if anyone was thrown from a vehicle.

Check for injuries. You will know the injuries that are obvious because you will be able to see them. However, it is the injuries that you cannot see that are the most dangerous.

You need to get immediate medical attention whether you feel pain or not.

Don’t Be an Open Book

You may be overwhelmed, but don’t say anything to the other driver that can later be used against you in court. Do not apologize or admit any type of fault for the accident.

While you are in shock, you may not be able to clearly understand what you did and what the other driver did. Remember, people are listening, so say as little as possible until the police arrive.

If you can, you should start gathering evidence, take pictures of your car. You should also take pictures of the damage done to the other driver’s car as well.

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Start taking pictures of your injuries and that of others as well.

Tell Your Insurance Company

Whether the accident was your fault or not you must let your insurance company know about it. If someone is going to hold you liable, there is no way of hiding it from them anyway. They should hear about the accident from you.

Your insurance company will defend you should a lawsuit be filed against you. They will also be able to estimate the car accident case settlement period should you file a counterclaim against the other party.

If your policy allows it, you may be able to get instant help for any medical bills that have accumulated. You may also be able to get quick help to do repairs on your car.

Final Tips on What to Do if You Are Hurt in an Accident

You are now aware of what to do if you are hurt in an accident. It means that you should get through it smoothly.

Bear in mind that one of the things you will have to do is be patient since settlements in cases like these can take a while. If you are injured, stay focused on getting better and leave the legalities to the professionals.

Once you have followed the right procedure, you should be able to get compensation for your medical bills and car repairs with this approach.

If you would like auto repair help, please visit that section of our website.