hyundai engine

How Long Will Your Hyundai Engine Last?

Did you know that the average cost of a new car back in 2017 amounted to $31,400? And that price already includes discounts!

What it doesn’t include yet are fees for licensure, registration, taxes. And don’t forget the ongoing expenses, such as depreciation, insurance, and upkeep.

All these go to show how pricey car purchases are. Which is why it’s completely understandable for you to wonder just how long your Hyundai engine can last. After all, the average cost of car ownership (2017) at nearly $8,500 isn’t cheap.

With such potentially heavy expenses to think of, you’d want to know just how far your car can go. And what exactly you should do to keep it on the road for as long as possible.

In this post, we’ll share the secrets of extending your ride’s lifespan. So, make sure you read on!

Everything Starts with Understanding How Long Engines Typically Last

Much thanks to advances in the automobile industry, engines now have longer lasting service lives. Before, odometers can only go up to 99,999 before dying on their car owners. Today, you’ll find engines that can take you anywhere up to 250,000 miles!

Here’s something to put things in perspective:

Back in 2009, the average vehicle lifespan was 9.4 years. Four years later, this jumped to 10.8 years. And in 2015, it increased to 11.4 years.

This goes to show that innovations really help car owners to hold on to their pricey investments longer. How engineering standards have vastly advanced for the better.

But that still depends on many different factors, such as how well you look after your ride.

In other words, you shouldn’t automatically mean you’ll get the same for your Hyundai vehicle. It still depends on whether you take advantage of your Hyundai user manual to religiously conduct at-home maintenance. And of course, on your own driving habits, among many other factors.

So, the answer to the question “How long do Hyundais last” has a lot to do with proper driving techniques and carrying out correct automobile maintenance. These are vital to getting the most out of your ride. They’re key players to getting the most out of your investment and ensuring you can keep driving safely.

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Making Your Hyundai Engine Last Longer through Constant Fluid Checks

Hyundai, considered one of the best car brands, has carved a name for itself in terms of dependability. Indeed, it’s known for lower price tags yet high reliability. But like with any other machine, this low price can go high quickly and that reliability can go down as fast.

That’s only if you don’t do your part in maintaining it. You need to keep yourself abreast on the dates of your car’s routine maintenance, particularly for changes or replacements with its filters and fluids. There are seven fluids you need to keep a close eye on, including the following:

  • Oil
  • Radiator fluid
  • Transmission fluid
  • Power steering fluid
  • Brake fluid
  • Air conditioning coolant
  • Washer fluid

Also, keep in mind that your steering system depends on many of these fluids. So, keep a close lookout for leaks or pooled fluids on the ground where you park your ride. Take this as a sign something’s wrong, especially with your steering system.

Regular Pro Maintenance: The Main Factor that Keeps Engines Healthy

Regular maintenance isn’t just about regular oil and fluid check-ups. Keep in mind that it’s what allows you to keep driving safely and enjoying a smooth ride.

The thing is, there’s only so much you can do on your own in maintaining your Hyundai. You need the more extensive knowledge, experience, and repair tools of a certified mechanic.

ASE certified mechanics have everything that it takes to maintain as well as diagnose and repair motor vehicle problems. As such, make sure that you look for this certification when choosing a mechanic to leave your prized Hyundai with.

What exactly can you expect a mechanic to do for a routine maintenance service? In addition to carrying out the above oil and fluid checks, an ASE mechanic will also:

  • Check all other integral car systems, including the electrical components, cooling, exhaust, and transmission
  • Make sure that your oil pressure sensor works
  • Replace the necessary filters, such as those for the engine oil, engine air, and in-cabin air at after reaching the 15,000-mile point
  • Change the engine coolant and replace the steering and transmission fluids after 30,000 miles
  • Replace the spark plugs and change the brake fluid after 45,000 miles
  • Ensure proper tire pressure at all times
Related Reading:  Car maintenance

These are just some of the many other tasks that mechanics carry out during routine maintenance. Although you can do some of these at home, you may lack the proper tools and devices. As such, it’s best you leave your Hyundai in the hands of a highly qualified mechanic.

Don’t Delay Repairs

A malfunctioning car can result in disastrous consequences. It increases your risk of dangerous driving, which not only puts you at risk but also the other people who use the roads with you.

It’s for this reason you should never ignore that lit “Check Engine” light. Or keep driving even though you have a low-pressure tire. Or disregard all those weird sounds your vehicle makes.

Always keep in mind that everything in your car – and their performance – affects the life of the engine. Your engine is the “heart” of the car after all. If it “beats” erratically, this affects the rest of the automobile’s components.

So, as soon as you see leaks, hear weird noises, and feel odd vibrations, take your car to a reputable mechanic right away. The longer you delay repairs, the worse the problem will become. And don’t forget that this also considerably shortens the life of your Hyundai.

Extend the Life of Your Hyundai Ride

Your Hyundai engine is an engineering masterpiece designed to last for many years. However, for it to serve you properly and for as long as possible, you need to do your part in its upkeep. So long as you practice what you’ve read in this guide, you can enjoy smooth driving and exceptional performance from your car.

And for more car repair and maintenance articles like this, head to our blog site now. More useful tips and tricks await you there!