Auto Parts Counter Person

What about the auto parts counter person. In a previous post I sent a little respect out to the auto repair mechanics of the world.
This led my friend to feel slighted, as his department was completely ignored during my previous post.
So in the interests of fair play this post is about the automotive part specialist. A parts counter person can have several different duties and is commonly called a materials person or specialist.
These dedicated people are found in nearly all car dealerships, as well as both retail and wholesale auto parts stores.
They sell auto parts directly to the customer and issue materials and supplies to car repair mechanics in both body shops and automobile service centers.
My friend, Jim M who is a parts counter person is friendly, professional, and very efficient when working with mechanics and customers.
About automotive part specialists
This career is an excellent alternative for those who know about cars but would rather not work on them. Much of the knowledge required to be a technician is also required for a parts specialist. However a counter person will require a few additional skills that a technician can survive without.
Most automotive parts people acquired the sales and customer service skills needed to be successful, primarily through on-the-job experience or training.
They may also gain the necessary technical knowledge on the job or through educational programs and practical experience.
Automotive parts personnel must be flexible
Depending on the store the common duties associated with the position may also include delivery of auto parts.
As well as purchasing a variety of supplies, stocking shelves and maintaining satisfactory inventory levels. They also have to adapt to servicing the needs of both old and newer car owners.
Paperwork responsibilities in the automotive parts department can also include preparing purchase orders, scheduling deliveries, assisting in the receipt and storage of materials and supplies, as well as maintaining a relationship with all vendors on the supply side.
An understanding of automotive terminology, as well as how these complicated high tech systems function is also a valuable skill for any good parts counter person.
Did I mention that car mechanics could be tough customers? Well we can and the parts people have to roll with it.
As far as my friend in the auto parts business goes everybody that has had the pleasure of being served by him appreciates his level of dedication.
And if there is one thing that stands out about Jimmy Mayhews more than anything else, is his ability to deliver the correct auto part the first time. This is why his customers turn into raving fans.