car GPS

5 Ways to Tell If Your Car Has a GPS Tracker

There are a number of reasons why an individual may want to apply a car GPS tracker to the vehicle:

  • They’re monitoring a business/company vehicle
  • They’re conducting an investigation
  • They’re tracking their driving habits for research

Suppose, though, for peace of mind, you wanted to know whether your vehicle was currently being tracked. Perhaps you weren’t the one to place the tracker.

Car GPS trackers are fairly simple in design.

There are car GPS trackers which send real-time data about a location, generally wired into the vehicle, which is later collected by an internet-connected computer or smartphone.

Others store waypoints in storage to provide waypoints that can be later collected after the tracker is retrieved.

The good news is that these common car GPS trackers need exposure to the open; they aren’t hidden in hard-to-find spots. This means you should be able to find them using the following precautions and checks:

  1. Wheel Wells – The most common spot will be within the wheel wells or somewhere within the hubcaps. The device is held on with a magnet or sticky backing. This is an easy area to scan. Also, don’t forget to check around the brakes while down there.
  2. Rear Bumper/Undercarriage – Bumpers are flimsy which gives a person easy access to the inside since they can be popped off or provide access underneath. Scan the area or go as far as removing the rear bumper to confirm no car GPS tracker is present in this common area. Take time to scan the rest of the undercarriage while you’re down there.
  3. Dashboard – Some GPS trackers are disguised to look like the normal items you’d find on the dashboard — how often do you take notice, right? Work your way through the center dashboard to see if there are any areas that may have recently been detached. Maybe something looks cleaner than the area around it?
  4. Consoles/General Areas – Check underneath the seats, within the glove compartment, in lighting fixtures, and other crevices that may be accessible for someone trying to plant the device.
  5. Gas Tank – A common area where car GPS trackers are placed. These provide the surface and exposure for the item to work along with it being accessible for the person planting the device.
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You can save a good amount of time by using an electronic sweeper when going throughout the inside of your car. This way you’re not stuck trying to pull out sections where you may cause issues by disconnecting the wires.

Electronic sweepers may not be entirely effective considering most modern cars have many electrical components. But if you do choose to purchase one of these sweepers you can expect to pay between $15 – $30 for a basic model.

You may also want to have the vehicle inspected by a professional.

Professionals understand alarm, audio, and starter installations so they would be quick to notice if there is anything fishy.

The bottom line on car GPS trackers

A car GPS tracker can be a great way to make sure your business is moving along smoothly if you happen to suspect an individual of foul play with the company vehicle.

It may also be an investigative tool for government and private individuals which need to keep tabs on an individual. It’s good to know if your personal vehicle is being tracked for peace of mind and to prevent any unsavory individual from keeping tabs.

Have you ever suspected you were being monitored with a car GPS tracker? How did you discover the unit? Share your suggestions in a comment below.