ASE 25 Year Medallion

ase congratulations messageI received my ASE 25 year medallion today. This was a pleasant surprise because I didn’t even know that one existed. When I took it into work with me and showed the other mechanics in the shop they were also not aware that the shiny little medal existed.

It’s nice to know that ASE is keeping track of how long the technicians that participate in their program have been certified. It’s even nicer that they recognize these technicians with a medal that has a magnetic backing so you can stick it on your toolbox.

When it comes to being an automotive mechanic there is no substitute for experience. The longer you turn a wrench the better at it you become. This is mainly because every day you learn something new. These learning experiences build up in your brain and you are able to call upon them when needed.

Taking ASE tests

auto repair career
25 year auto repair career

This ASE 25 year medallion couldn’t have come at a better time. This is because it is once again time to register for my recertification tests in November. After 26 years of being a mechanic I feel worn out with all the test taking and back breaking work.

This medallion seems to have rejuvenated me to some extent. I have about 12 certifications that are due to be renewed over the next two years. This is out of the total of about 16 that I currently hold.

Although I am not looking forward to studying and taking the tests after a long day of working it is at least nice to know that someone is keeping track and does care about the hard work it takes to remain certified.

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What is the ASE 25 year medallion all about

picture of the ase medallion
ASE 25 Year Medallion

The 25 year anniversary medallion was designed to recognize and thank technicians who have demonstrated dedication to professional automotive service through 25 years or more of ASE certification. Since 1972, more than 1.6 million people have registered for ASE testing. About 21,000 technicians or a little over 1%, have qualified to receive the medallion as of 2008.

Some mechanics ask why they have not received the medallion. This is most likely because your certifications lapsed at some point during your career. To receive the recognition ASE will count the total number of years you have been certified, not how long ago you were first certified. Also note you must be currently certified to qualify.

You can have gaps in your certification history and still receive the anniversary medallion. But the total number of years certified has to be 25 or more. And again you must be currently certified in at least one area. If you have let all of your current certifications lapse, you don’t get credit for those expired years. If you later recertify you will continue to add to your total years of certified service.

If you’re interested in taking ASE tests I put together a page that contains some helpful tips on how to prepare for the tests. I also made available some ASE study guides. If you are looking for automotive information and articles this next link will take you back to the auto repair information blog.